
Showing posts from June, 2015

Top 10 Stag Do Ideas That'll Need A Towel

The UK is about to heat up like a Pizza Oven and there is no better way to keep the boys cool on a stag do then to get them wet, whether it's water, foam or whipped cream you will never regret bringing that towel from home. I have put together a Top10 of stag do ideas for groups looking to a soaking, with a curve ball which really shouldn't be there but couldn't resist it! At Number 10 - It's a Knockout Now available in most popular stag do destinations including Birmingham, Bristol, Nottingham and London, It's a knockout is a mixture of crazy games that involve massive fancy dress costumes, huge inflatables and enough foam to even keep Timmy Mallot happy. 9 - Banana Boat Ride This activity is so much fun you will pee your pants, literally! Guaranteed to give your group a proper soaking, no one ever gets to stay on, whether you're on a stag do in the Balearics or the UK, this is a great activity for the whole group. 8 - Cardboard Boat Challe...

Play Together, Stay Together

The saying Play Together, Stay Together can be used in so many ways, however I am referring to the groom to be and his best mates. The stag will have a close knit group of friends, these friends are usually in charge of arranging the stag do. They will have most of the say in what's going to happen, from the stag do itself to fancy dress, stag pranks, games etc. So this is a big shout out to all of the best men and the ushers who are looking to arrange the ultimate stag do for their mate...  DO SOMETHING AMAZING. You know the stag better then anyone else, you have grown up with him, you have seen him at his best and you have certainly seem him at his worst, so it's down to you to make his last days as a bachelor extremely special. And don't forget, after he's married and when all the dust has settled he'll still be your mate, you will still be getting together for a few down the local boozer, you never know, he may enjoy the stag do so much that he...