Wedding Industry Under Lockdown

We are currently living through historical times people. In my lifetime I have never witnessed a lockdown at such unprecedented proportions, not just in the UK, but throughout the world. I have been working in the travel industry for over 30 years and I have never seen 90% of the world's flights grounded. Events such as the sad times of 9/11 or the unpronounceable let alone spell-able Icelandic volcano springs to mind, but nothing on this global scale and for this timescale. So that leads us on to your wedding. Well the whole wedding industry ground to a halt, with weddings banned for at least the next three weeks, no one can or will predict when this embargo will be lifted. Zoom to the rescue A small amount of couples are getting married on Zoom*, I am guessing you would need at least 3 different screens. Clergyman or minister / registrar Bride and groom Witnesses *Other reputable video calling platform are available, however across devices Zoom is pretty ...