
Showing posts from January, 2017

10 Tips On Surviving A Stag Do

Surviving a stag, well that's easy isn't it; paracetamol, toothbrush and a spare pair of cacks... what else do you need? OK, OK, it isn't the 1970s, we have become a little more civilised, haven't we? There are a few fast rules and pointers everyone can take onboard whilst arranging, attending and coming back off a stag. These are 10 survival tips for all best men and stag do organisers out there: Survival Tip 1 When arranging a stag do, firstly I recommend you use a company who can take all the stress and strain out of the process. For example my company DesignaVenture; not only arrange all the venues, hotels, activities etc. we also have a website where you can view your booking and invite people to pay individually, you can also see who's paid and who needs chasing. You then get a pack electronically, so you can forward it to all the boys (if you want to) giving them all the info they need, saving you the time of having to answer all the questions ...

Stag Do Ideas By Month

Stag dos can take place all year round, over Christmas Day however, is usually frowned upon! All the other weekends are open season, ready to go. However some activities are much better at certain times of the year, so to prove this I have put together some stag do ideas for each month and the reasoning behind my theories. January - Paintball OK, you've just had Christmas and you're feeling the pinch, I'm talking about your wallet as well as your waist. So there's no better activity to get you running around for less than £20 than  Paintball. OK, so you'll need to buy some paintballs when you're there but their cheap as chips these days, so while your there get a paint and smoke bomb and cover everyone with a paint grenade, the SAS have nothing on you. February - Quad Biking February is when the weather chucks everything at us, rain, sleet, snow, ice, frost.. You name it we get it, however there is one vehicle which can tackle any type of terrai...

10 Alternative Stag Do Ideas For 2017

2017 is now official and we are now in a state of total shock that there is so much to do with only a year to do it all in, arranging a stag do is one of those very things. Don't panic DesignaVenture is here to help you, below are 10 Alternative Stag Do Ideas for 2017, for more inspiration go over to our stag do ideas page , where you will also see the usual suspects such as, Karts, Paintball, Quads etc. OK here we go, in no particular order: Cardboard Boat Challenge, Bathtub Kart Racing + Banana Ride - Reading OK we are totally going Left-field with this one. First of all make a boat out of Cardboard and race across the lake in it. " OK, did you just say out of Cardboard?" Sure did, it is possible to make a water tight vessel, you'll need to use your brain to compete against your mates as they'll always be one cocky engineer amongst the stag group. Your next activity is to race around a brilliantly designed racing track in a motorised Bath...